Our Team’s Go-To Holiday Gift Guide

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There are always go-to gifts that reflect their giver in some way. Naturally, many of the gifts that the Cherry Ruffino team love to give to friends and loved ones are presents of simple, sweet comfort or gifts of making home life more convenient! These real estate experts have you covered for fantastic last-minute (or planned ahead) gifts this holiday season.

Cherry’s Holiday Gift List

  • Trapp Fragrances candles in the Orange Vanilla scent!
  • Garlic peelers and garlic choppers
  • Mini electric food choppers
  • Dr. Teal’s lavender bubble bath
  • Neutrogena face wipes
  • Belle Glos Pinot Noir

Cherry’s Homemade Go-To Gifts:

  • Cherry’s “Shrimp Sh*t”
  • Cherry’s homemade toffee
  • Mary Mike’s brownies
  • Cherry’s lasagna

Of course, Cherry’s go-to gifts are gifts of delicious foods and drinks, helpful cooking tools, and items to give others some R&R!


  • Yeti cup with handle
  • Harley’s and Target gift cards
  • Fancy socks
  • Tile key/wallet finders
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Joey’s list is full of sensible and stylish presents!


  • Ugg house shoes
  • Ancestry DNA test kits
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Katie loves to give thoughtful gifts of self-discovery and plush comfort!


  • Sengled’s “Pulse”, a Bluetooth® speaker system built into a light bulb!
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JJ is all for everyone making their home a bit more of a tech-filled home!


  • Fleece Photo Blanket through Walgreens or Walmart
  • Good book from Barnes and Noble or a bookstore gift card
  • Movie theater gift cards
  • Funny/punny mug
  • Themed gift baskets
  • Sephora makeup sampler sets
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Stephanie’s favorite presents to give are sweet, thoughtful and clever!


  • Amazon Echo Dot
  • Canvas prints
  • Projection clock
  • Massage/spa gift cards
  • Coco Chanel perfume
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Kathy’s favorite gifts to give often make life easier, stylish and more practical!


  • Makeup brushes
  • Gift cards
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Tandy enjoys making life easy for everyone with gift cards to her friends’ favorite stores.


  • Alex and Ani bracelet
  • Picture frames with great Kodak moments
  • Plush throw blankets
  • Pajama sets
  • Bath and Body Works fragrance sets
  • Monogrammed items
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Rachel often presents gifts of the ultimate comfort!


  • Monogrammed gifts (like hoodies, shirts, keychains, etc.)
  • Scarves (especially if I can add a monogram!)
  • Old school/vintage toys (like those you can find at Cracker Barrel or World Market)
  • Bumper Balls (you blow them up, get inside, and roll down hills!)
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Personal and fun are the kinds of presents Julie enjoys giving!


Tell us your favorite go-to gifts!

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